10 mistakes that might be hurting your product based business

10 mistakes that might be hurting your product based business

I strongly believe that having the opportunity to learn from what others have done well AND have failed at makes us better because, in the thick of it, we don’t always realize where we stand. It isn’t until afterward that you have the chance to reflect and realize that you’ve either had a big win or epic failure. We've all been there, and while making cringe-worthy mistakes isn't fun, there is always a lesson learned. I've made a TON of mistakes throughout my career but have also had some really great mentors along the way to help me figure things out. It’s something I am beyond grateful for.

5 Things To Do When Over The Counter Sales Suck

5 Things To Do When Over The Counter Sales Suck

There’s nothing worse than seeing your product sit on the shelf of a store and collect dust. Every product based business owner who has their product on the shelf of a retailer knows how gut wrenching it can be to see sales stall and the fear + self-doubt that starts to creep in. While slow sales are never fun, retail is one major roller coaster ride so seeing these lulls can be expected.

How To Use Instagram to Grow Your Product Based Business

How To Use Instagram to Grow Your Product Based Business

If you’re anything like me, you remember a simpler time when “social media” consisted of passing a handwritten note in class and sharing a photo meant *gasp* having to pay the rush fee to have your film developed at the local pharmacy. For a concept that is still relatively young, social media and all its platforms pack a serious punch! We all know the power it possesses and what one simple like or share can do for a businesses brand and growth.



Running a business isn’t easy, we all know that, but marketing is your business’s wheelhouse: it helps you to bring in revenue on a consistent basis. The answer to your marketing woes: simplifying and strategizing. With a clear, simple marketing strategy, you can actually start reaching your ideal community and selling your products or services online. Below are three steps you can take to implement a smart and effective marketing plan for your wholesale business:

6 Steps to Starting Your Wholesale Business

6 Steps to Starting Your Wholesale Business

Raise your hand if you’ve ever walked into a store and pictured seeing your product share the shelf with some of your favorite brands? 🙋🏻🙋🏻 I know how overwhelming trying to connect the dots and developing a strategy can be. In this guest post for Ringlet Studio I'm going to outline the 6 steps you should take to get your wholesale business up and running.

How to Perfect Your Press Kit

How to Perfect Your Press Kit

Press kits (also referred to as media kits) are a piece of the puzzle that is often (accidentally!) overlooked. Having a media/press kit is a vital part of any product based businesses marketing plan and strategy. They are brimming with information relevant to your business including who you are, how to contact you and everything else a blogger or journalist would need to know if they were to write a piece about you.

7 Strategies to Grow Your Wholesale Business

7 Strategies to Grow Your Wholesale Business

When you own a product based business, you are guaranteed to go through lots of ups and downs. There will be periods of strong and steady sales and weeks at a time when you’re struggling to get just one. While the latter is frustrating and can be downright scary, you can use your sales slumps as an opportunity to tweak your strategy and dedicate time to trying something new. In today’s post, I’m sharing 7 strategies to help you grow your wholesale business!

Is your Social Media Profile Hurting Your Business?

Is your Social Media Profile Hurting Your Business?

In the world of social media it can be challenging to stand out. After we launched The Wholesale Collective there was one thing we noticed that some businesses were doing better than others

They have a profile that includes the name of their business.

It may sound like a no-brainer for some, and for others, you may be wondering it even needs to be on there at all. The marketing and business side of my brain kicked into overdrive as I started to look at the similarities and differences between how each business owner presented themselves online. My conclusion? If you’re not talking about your business everywhere including in your profiles, you are probably missing out on a lot of opportunities. 



Offering your products at wholesale is awesome not only for boosting sales volume but for establishing your business as a brand in the marketplace. Plus, nothing beats walking into a store and seeing something you’ve poured your heart and soul into sitting on a shelf. (I still get excited when I see products on the sales floor from my old company, and I haven’t worked there for three years!) In this post, I’ve listed 10 ways to tell that your business ready for wholesale.