Uncomfortable Conversations You Will Have With Retail Buyers (Including Scripts to Get You Through Them!)

As exciting as it is to land that retail account and see your products on the shelf of a store, there are a whole new set of challenges that come with developing partnerships with retailers. One of the not-so-fun sides of developing a wholesale/retailer business is that you have to get comfortable with having some awkward and, at times, unpleasant conversations.

uncomfortable conversations with retail buyers plus bonus scripts


In this guest post for Think Creative Collective, I'm sharing seven of the most uncomfortable (and common) conversations that you're most likely to have with retail buyers as you grow your business.

The conversations I'm sharing are based on my own experiences from my selling days in New York City where I managed retail accounts for a women's accessories company. Regardless of what kind of product(s) you are selling (or plan to sell) the same conversations are bound to come up. I can't wait for you to check it out!  

If you could use some assistance conquering a different roadblock in your biz leave me a comment below, I'd love to help!