How to Perfect Your Press Kit

Press kits (also referred to as media kits) are an important piece of the wholesale strategy puzzle that is often overlooked. Having a media/press kit is a vital part of any product based businesses marketing plan! These kits are brimming with information relevant to your business including who you are, how to contact you and everything else a blogger or journalist would need to know if they were to write a piece about you.

how to make a press kit

When we talk about trade shows, often times the focus is on the business connections that will be made with buyers + retailers. In addition to meeting these key contacts, there is another group of attendees you want to be targeting: the media. Some trade shows have a special media lounges or rooms where members of the media can visit and pick up a kit without even having to walk the show and visit your booth! You want to make sure your media kit is eye catching and gives them the same feeling and introduction to your brand as someone would get when they stepped into your booth. There are so many fun and creative ways to share what your business is all about with your press kit but all the time and creative juices you sink into it won’t amount to much if you leave out key information. Read on to learn about what information you need to be including in your press kit and grab your free checklis!

The elements of an awesome press kit:


Your press kit is, in many cases, the first time a person is meeting your brand. As I mentioned above, a great press kit should give the same first impression as you would give to someone meeting you at your booth for the first time. Carry your logo, brand colors, fonts and images over to your press kits to keep your story cohesive. This is the perfect opportunity for you to show off your stellar design skills and what makes your brand and business different from everyone else.

Your Story:

People love to know the why behind your business. What inspires you? Why did you launch this business in the first place? Consider this your highlight reel. Tell your story and share background information about your business, brand, your shout from the rooftops worthy accomplishments and anything else that differentiates your company from the rest. Recently recognized for an achievement? Be sure to include that in there too. #GetYourBragOn

A Product Sample:

Nothing beats the experience of someone being able to touch and feel one of your products. If you’re a stationer you can easily slip a note card or two into the press kit but if you sell home decor this may be a bit more of a challenge. You might consider including a fabric swatch instead. 

A Catalog:

Including one of your catalogs with your press kit is the easiest way for someone to understand the full scope of your product assortment and your product pricing. If this just feels too costly or makes your kit too bulky you can opt to upload your catalog to a site like Issu and share the password within your media kit so it’s easy to view it online.  

High-Quality Images:

Having awesome images is critical in showcasing your brand. This is especially important if you’ve decided not to include a copy of your catalog. Even if you do decide to include a catalog you’re still going to want to use some stylized images in your press kit to help media personnel to gain a better understanding of how your product is used.

Promo Item:

If you have a takeaway item that you’re offering at your booth (read more about why I think these are important here) consider including it with your press kit. This could be a custom button, pencils with witty sayings or even a special sticker that you’ve made for booth visitors. Including these additional bells + whistles will enhance the overall experience of your brand.

Contact Information:

In addition to the basics like email, website, mailing address and phone number you should also be including links to social profiles like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Make it as easy as possible for people to find where you live online, where you hang out and how to get in touch with you!

A Business Card:

While it may feel redundant because your contact information can be found in other areas of the press kit it’s still important to include one of your business cards in your press kit. People don’t always like to hang on to your kit but they will be more inclined to file your card away.

Depending on your industry, one type of press kit may be preferred over another. At the National Stationery Show, you’re much more likely to find beautifully printed press kits in unique packaging. If you’re visiting an electronics show, this form may be considered more outdated and sharing info via a USB drive may be more popular. When you’re deciding on how to best deliver your press kit you want to remember that less is sometimes more. While it’s tempting to include every bit of info about you under the sun remember if you’re going the tangible route people have to actually carry these kits around with them as they walk the show. While so much can be done digitally these days I think there is still something really nice about an eye-catching press kit. I’ve pinned some ideas for inspiration to my Pinterest Press Kit board which you can check out here.

Also, don't forget to snag your free checklist! You can find it inside the free resource library!