Whether you’re just getting started in wholesale or have been doing it for some time you will benefit from having a wholesale inquiry form on your website. This form is going to help you streamline the vetting process to ensure that the people you are partnering with are legitimate small business owners.

wholesale inquiry form and squarespace tutorial

Often times, people who are NOT qualified for wholesale will reach out in the hopes that you’ll give them a better price. For instance, I remember having a math teacher in high school who went as far as setting up her own business to obtain a resale number so she could shop at a  discount. However, she ran into issues because she only wanted to purchase one piece of an item instead of a size run and wasn’t happy when the wholesaler told her that wasn’t an option.

Your inquiry form should ask for the basics, including:

  • Their name
  • Their email address and phone number
  • Their store name
  • Their store location
  • Their website url
  • The type of store they own (brick and mortar vs. online etc)

I also like to include an area for them to tell you how your business popped on their radar or more about their own business. The more information you can get up front in this form the easier it will be to weed out the poor fits/unqualified buyers.

If you happen to have a Squarespace site I’ve created a video tutorial to help you set up your own wholesale inquiry form. Check it out below!